How to Become the Best Through Humility
“But in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” — Philippians 2:3 KJV
Christ is the express image of God — Hebrews 1:3 KJV, in whom is the perfection of every person who has ever walked the earth will ever walk it. Where mighty men like David failed, 2 Samuel 12:9,10, and great men like Abraham made mistakes, Genesis 16:1–4, after they have heard the promises of God for them and His sure covenant with them, Jesus Christ outperformed them all by enduring every pain, reproach and all manners of temptation to perfect His purpose on the cross.
Perfectionism is a common trait found in people who are top performers in their industry, and it is worthy to note that perfectionism focuses on making sure that every detail — even the most obscure, is covered and done as it ought to be done flawlessly Matthew 3:15. We see that those who have mastered their gifts and abilities, and excelled in the things they do, have trained themselves by constant practice to distinguish good and bad decisions, worthy and unworthy practices, Hebrews 5:14 (the New International Version puts it thus — “…the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil), by imitating Christ Jesus, the express image of Total Excellence. But we will not talk about perfectionism in this text; all humans in their best are imperfect, Isaiah 64:6, and Christ our righteousness is our perfection, for by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified — Hebrews 10:14 KJV. Instead, we will talk about a character by which we may gain the rewards of the perfection which we now have in Christ Jesus — humility.
We have been called to learn to be meek and humble from Him who has perfected us through His blood, and it is quite astonishing that what we’ve been called to learn, that is humility, is the polar opposite of what superiority makes an average person become — proud. Therefore it is important to note that we have been called to become above average, bless God!
The life of Christ is a revelation of humility in its most plain state; doing to others, the things that place us well beneath them. In the old times, the slaves bathe their masters, and the more lowly slaves who are counted as mere objects for the satisfaction of greedy purposes, the females, are those who are charged with the responsibility to bathe their masters and mistresses. But He showed us, that we must make ourselves such, lowly and insignificant to others who are well beneath our status, John 13:3–5, and even those who are above us, Romans 13:1,2.
The Spirit of Christ is excellent, and if we will be excellent as He is, then we must have the same mind as Him, we must be like-minded and love the things He loves, work towards the same vision He has (in all things, be it spiritual, business, technology, and health) so that we can make Him rejoice now and when we go to Him, Philippians 2:2. He died so that we will become the best in whatever good thing we do, be it in our career or our ministry to the church of Christ, perfect in all good works, without fault even in the most demeaning situation, and glorious in Him while we are in this world and His coming kingdom.
“We must bear a resemblance to his life if we would have the benefit of his death.”
— Brother Matthew Henry
If we have His Spirit, we should be one of His, Romans 8:9, and if are one of His, we should be excellent (Daniel 5:11, 12; 6:3), and if we are Christ’s, then we should have His Spirit. We must bear a resemblance to his life if we would have the benefit of his death, and if He who is our LORD, benefit the highest glory through His death, then how much more we who are His servants and children will glory in Him, for the children of the world glory in the titles and wealth of their masters and fathers, therefore we who are bound to Christ with chains of salvation and brought up in His fatherly love, will glory in Him much more than them, 1 Corinthians 1:31. Let us take every advantage to exalt others above ourselves to serve them as best as possible, and we will continue to discover that we are pushed to our best when we genuinely want to see other people happy and satisfied. Like a dying seed, we will see that, as we continually submit ourselves beneath other beautiful creations that flourish above the soil, we will continually bring out the beauty that will rise well above others.
Thank you for reading. God loves you, and if you’re willing and ready to love Him back, please acknowledge what He has done for you through His Son’s death on the cross for your sins and be saved. Tell Him, “Father, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I acknowledge the death of Your Son for me on the cross, please forgive my sins. I accept Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and I will live my life for Him alone, amen.” Please visit a Gospel/Pentecostal church today to get baptised and begin worshipping God with joy in peace.
May God bless you abundantly in Jesus’ Name as you share and like.